Monday, September 21, 2009

Run Time Error 91

Run Time Error 91 Object Variable or with block variable not set.
Received this error after upgrading to 10.3 you get this error right after you put in your password and before the homebase screen loads.

This morning this happened on a windows vista machine.

I fixed it by
1. Delete or rename the c:\wintam directory
2. Start run "g:\wintam\tamini /r "
3. Start run "g:\wintam\asupdate /rr" Where g is your Tam Drive.

Then the station loaded correctly.
I received this error on the machine I did the upgrade on Friday morning so the weird part is the vista machine ran tam just fine on Friday but now come monday it came up with the error and just asupdate didn't fix it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing such informative web page which helps me to fix runtime error 91. this error was very irritating me and i was unable to fix it but when i follow the given steps it removed successfully.
